Green Garden Hotel is located in the Şirinevler district of Bahçelievler in Istanbul. It is located in Şirinevler Square. Green Garden Hotel is only 10 minutes away from Atatürk Airport.
It is approximately 300 meters walking distance to Ataköy-Şirinevler Metro.
It is 3 km away from Istanbul Fair Center, one of the largest fairs in Turkey operating in the international arena.
Green Garden Hotel, with its proximity to Ataköy and Bahçelievler districts; It is also in the most advantageous location due to its location in Şirinevler Square.
In addition; Kuyumcukent and Merter textile region are within easy reach of Green Garden Hotel. It is also within walking distance to Ataköy Sinan Erdem Sports Hall. You can stay at Green Garden Hotel before and after basketball and all kinds of sports activities.
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